Wednesday, November 17, 2010

when bloggers are busy are their posts boring?

(Penny shares a quote by Oscar Wilde)
I am never boring, of course, but yesterday was super super SUPER busy and then, with a relative moving, I was inspired to dream the night away about our last move...moving stinks, you know? I mean, I am glad we moved, love it here, but its an exhausting process.
So that's it for now, back later :)


  1. Moving does stink. Have a good one today, Gary! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Please don't talk about moving. We are 8 months away doing it again and the experience is so overwhelming I am ready to crawl under a rock!

    Of course, in your case, it was a great thing to move away. In our case, it will be kind of sad.

  4. when i'm busy, the posts do seem boring amigo. moving... i'd rather crawl naked over crushed glass

  5. I love those photos and quotes.....I want PIZZA!!!

  6. I'm not ready to use the M word quite so soon after our M--- to this little hippie house. See, just remembering your last M--- makes you tire, doesn't it?

  7. If I had to move I don't know what I would do. We have been in this house for about 38 :) I would probably just lock the door and say "Oh Well", and walk away! lol :)

  8. i thought moving across town was tough... but moving over 800 miles has been extremely painful... but still very glad i am here!

  9. I've moved soo many times. It's exhausting. Last move was last January to Scott's place. By the next move I always forget how exhausting it was. It has helped me keep my clutter to the bare minimum. I'm most definitely not a pack rat. Mostly because I can't bear the thought of moving things. I love throwing things away.
    We just don't have the space for pack ratting.

  10. Hope you didn't get blown away by the wind today. I almost took flight over the pines today.
