Sunday, November 14, 2010


Me and the wife drove the hour north to Syracuse to fill the car with clay (me and Andrew there at Clayscapes) before the snow flies. Went to Dinosaur BBQ, where YES, vegetarians are welcome. You don't have to be a badass to go to Dino, but you KNOW I have to dress up like a badass from time to time.
Then, you know, we got home and it was like so warm, we had to grab the beagle and go for the major hike.....


  1. Mmm... the french fries at the Dino BBQ look yummy. :)

  2. Cool shirt. Wish we had a Dinosaur BBQ here. Looks so good. We aren't vegetarian but what would a vegetarian order there?

  3. That dino place looks rad. I wish we were east coasters most of the time.

  4. Gorgeous weather in beautiful Ithaca!

  5. Aw! puppy is cute!

    I love those wild running upstate NY creeks

  6. I'll have to go to the Dinasour next time I'm in Syracuse.

  7. Rockin' threads Gary! Awesome!

    I love Dinasour BBQ. The one in Harlem is so popular they don't take reservations and it's always at least an hour wait.
