Wednesday, September 8, 2010

in-law parade....

(pots by Gary Rith)
The next set of in-laws arrives today. Good lord I am beat, what a busy summer, but I think this is the end of it all. My MIL is adorable and wonderful and a party animal. It will be GOOD TIMES and then I can catch up on everything else! Have an awesome day!


  1. Party animals hardly ever make a mess!

  2. have a great time with your MIL.

  3. Not many men look forward to time with their MIL, so deserve the gold star award for bravery. Ha.

  4. Oh have a wonderful time. Everyday when we go for a walk with our dogs we pass my Mother's house. George just gives out a loud sigh, and says, "I miss your Mom so much, I really loved her"! :) My Mother and him were great friends, she truly loved him as a son, truly.
    Have a wonderful time! :)

  5. Oh I love the wee blue elephant!
    Have fun with your in-laws- from what I've heard, your MIL sounds like quite a hoot!
