Friday, September 10, 2010

Friiiiiiiiday :)

The mother-in-law is in town haiku:

Mother-in-law comes,
Pee-YEW! What did the cat do??????????
QUICK! Clean, scrub, vacuum.......


  1. FRIDAY!
    I love that bowl down below- that is the funnest bowl ever!

  2. I LOVE claymation.... and turtles with teeth. :) Happy Friday, G!

  3. Tell Penny the Beagle to behave too! haha

  4. Ha! Scrubbin' for the in-law! Nice!

    FYI, I'm with ya! This is one of my more FABO FRIDAYs! FWFD of the w/squeeeeeeeeeee

  5. Have a great Friday...Our daughter worked at the zoo about 10 years ago. It was fascinating for sure, but she too realized that the animals hated being in the zoo, and she said it made her feel sad.
    This claymation video sums it up! lol lol lol...:)

  6. I met up with my SIL between flights yesterday. I admit it, I was relieved she didn't take me up on my offer to head back to my house... my MESSY house.
    At least the cat box is clean, right? ;)

  7. Sure, blame it on the cat. I do and I don't even have one :-)

    Happy weekend, jj
