Thursday, September 2, 2010

beagle on a seesaw????

Nice little vases eh? Yesterday we were walking through the park and I am like
"I bet Penny wants to try the seesaw" and I have to admit, she was pretty game about it, as she is with most things. Then she came home and hid under Paco the stuffed doggo. I wrote this bleary eyed haiku about it all:

Dog on the seesaw,
Maybe not so funny, huh?
Beagle hides at home.....


  1. I'm sure she loved it. I love seesaws... who doesn't? :)

  2. Aw, she was tired from all the play. My Beagle mix has a stuffed timber wolf that she likes to sleep with.

  3. You and Penny always make me laugh. She is exhausted from your antics. :)

  4. This is great! lol lol lol...:) A see sawing Beagle! She is our kind of dog, game for anything, and everything way fun! Love the Pots...and Paco, lol lol lol...:) Maxie our male Rat Terrier had a rubber chicken our daughter bought him, he carried it everywhere! lol lol lol...:) He would take it outside, and everywhere, and bring it back. When he would forget where he left it, he went into serious panic mode! :)

  5. I love it. What fun Penny has. She probably wouldn't like the slide though...

  6. AWWW!!! I love this. Penny is such a good sport about all of your antics.
