Tuesday, August 31, 2010

a pack of bichons and poodles....

(mugs by Gary Rith)
Store in Chicago contacts me and asks if i can do bichons and poodles, of course I can! Even if I have not before. You just make stuff a little more curly, right?
Penny beagle was looking cute. Then Emily kitten arrived, and Penny looked alarmed. Then Goerges Le Soq arrived and Emily looked alarmed....
have an awesome Tuesday :)


  1. Of course you can do Bichons and Poodles!

  2. I doubt there are any critters you can't make.
    Love the photos!

  3. The pictures of your pets (and Georges) made me LOL! Penny and Emily *DO* look alarmed!

    But there is no alarm or surprises that you can create just about anything. :)

  4. I had a nun once say to me, "Nothing is too difficult for the willing mind"! Your Bichons and Poodles are "Fab"! :) And all your critter buddies are Fab also! Fabulous darling, fabulous! :)

  5. Hubby and I like the picture of Penny looking worriedly at the kitten.

  6. I love the chain o' worry your pets are passing!

  7. Of course you can do it! YAY! So cute!

  8. Penny is admiring Goerges Le Soq's delightful little vest of course!
