Thursday, August 19, 2010

hobo style....

(mugs by Gary Rith)
We had a party to go to last night. I met the wife at the Chapterhouse after work. I forgot to bring the camera to the party! OH WELL! The purpose of the party was to raise a little money for an artist friend who broke her leg and had surgery. She has no health insurance, and as you know, if that is true in this country now you are SKREWED (I guess tea baggers have never been without insurance and sick, or known anybody in that sad predicament). There were raffle tickets for her artwork, which is a super clever idea for a fund raiser: party! Prizes!!! Art and food!
My least favorite hobo showed up though at our pre-party party. He can ruin any good time, so we took off quick.

This is our personal after party at Viva tacos, dang its YUMMY. I had spilled bean glop all over the shirt I was wearing at home. Then, hobo style, I worked on spilling bean glop on the clean shirt...

See below? This friendly little bird was hanging around on the tables looking for bean glop to eat.
I had to get every last bit of bean glop off the foil (so tasty) and the wife took the picture---eating HOBO STYLE: making a mess, licking the foil....


  1. viva taco looks like my kinda place.....sorry bout your friend, hope she feels better soon, and isn't buried by medical costs. I can't imagine how I would live without my Canadian health coverage. especially with my kids

  2. Oh gosh, health coverage...I have State health coverage, I would be devastated without it! I hope she feels bettr soon. I hope they don't screw your friend into a hole she can't get out of. So great of all of you to help her. :) You are great people for sure! :)

  3. medical bills can eat you up!
    BTW- your sweet wife is so sassy in that hat!

  4. America: Only the Insured Survive

    You and Maude are the greatest. So are your friends minus the hobos.

  5. amigo, the crumbs on your chin are very convincing. it looks like another idyllic day in ithaca.
