Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Georges Le Soq goes ninja on your azz...

Spike is trying to eat his breakfast and THERE RAPPELLING down the curtain sash is that nasty rotten NINJA French sock monkey, Georges Le Soq.
Spike could easily kick George's azz, but he is friendly, and is like
"here, have a taste of my CAT FOOD. Probably tastes better than that crapola you've been getting out of dumpsters" and Georges gets all haughty and French-like and he's all
"eees CAT food? I no eat zee cat food" ....and he slinks off to bother Penny.....


  1. LOL .. Love the ninja mask on Georges. :)

  2. I am laughing hysterically so I can't comment on this funny post!! Just the sight of the mask alone sends me over the edge!!

  3. Poor spike, the cat can't even eat in private. Darn ninjas!!

  4. Dude. You need to get out more or stop eating the clay. Possibly both.

    That mask IS hilarious, though .. LOL

  5. hmmm why is that monkey wearing gary's old undies?!!!

  6. As much as I admire the pottery and enjoy the personal reflections here...I check in to witness George's latest antics. Yes, that Ninja mask totally makes my day. Thanks so much!
