Saturday, May 29, 2010

"what is that ice cream cone with boobs thing?"

I send the wife a heart symbol and she is like
"what is that ice cream cone with boobs thing?" and I am not sure what she is talking about although it sounds INTERESTING but then she shows me and its like "OH!"
Here is our chubby 16 year old kitten Emily doing a little cat yoga.


  1. HAHA! Oh Maude. Me and Maude would have such a fun time hanging out. I just know it.

  2. Emily does yoga! <3

    Don't feel bad, Maude. I had to explain it to SuperDad, too (although he asked "What does less than 3 mean?").

  3. Emily Kitten has certainly aged gracefully.

  4. I can't do yoga like that. I'd pull a muscle, or break something. Go Emily Kitten!
