Wednesday, May 12, 2010

ON THE beach...

(pottery by Gary Rith)
These cookie jars are very big for me, that is why I am holding them, so you are like "wow, that guy has got super big cookie jars in his arms, you could sure fit alot of girl scouts in there..."
You will remember that it snowed off and on all day mother's day. Yesterday was pretty darn cold and nasty at times--25 degrees first thing. No suprise then that one of my dreams, the one after my neighbor, who I LIKE, yelled at me for having a messy garage (shoot, the garage is closed, who cares how messy it is in there? My guilty conscience, eh?) anyway, YES, I was paddling around at the beach and got out of the water and there was the best buffet I had ever seen in my life...

and my friends will remember this is MY FAVORITE all time music video....


  1. Girl scouts should stay far away from your house!!!

  2. Mmm.... cooooookies. Nice jars, G. :)

  3. Is that a really big cookie jar you have there, or are you just happy to see me?

  4. Those jars demand to be filled with chocolate chip cookies!
