Friday, May 28, 2010

nice pair of.....

(pottery by Gary Rith)
Nice pair of jugs eh? I want a certain narrow base and big friendly round shape. This channel makes me think of a river. Groovy.
The edge of our yard where the woods begins is coated with wild phlox. ZILLIONS of gorgeous pink and purple flowers, here with Buster....


  1. I love phlox! The ditches on either side of our road are covered in it for about a 1/4 mile. I love the groovy river jugs too. :)

  2. Groovy vase. I love those wild flowers too!!!
    Have a great weekend.

  3. I think that first pitcher might be my favorite thing of yours I've seen. Is it sold yet?

  4. Love the wild phlox (and Buster) -- and those jugs aren't too shabby, either! ;)
