Sunday, May 16, 2010

new BLUE

Mmm, so basically, the usual computer, circa 2003, is a bit kaput. The wife tells me the other day "I WANT my own camera" as we share the wee little Sony for these last 3 years, but she tells me she wants IT and hey, let's go to TARJAY and .....well, this cute little blue camera needed a home and was on sale (12 mp!!!! and BLUE!!!!)....BUT
back to the computer thing. The wife says last week "I WANT my own computer" and the old one, circa 2003 as I said, is acting super weird. So she is handy and determined, and is like "look, I'll take of this old thing, maybe this week we can find you a MAC" and I am like "HOLY SHIRT!. Oh, yes, for business use, right...."
In the meantime, I am using the Baby top, our miniscule computer, which takes pictures as you can see.......


  1. You're getting a MAC! Oh my god I'm so happy for you. I feel like some people feel this sort of joy when their friends have babies, not me. I get this excited about computers. You lucky duck!

  2. I'm with RA! Welcome to the grown up world, LOL! Naw, but you are going to love your MAC!

    And, the cam-cam! "Baby Blueeee was the color of [your camera]" It's a country music song but I converted it a little.

    :-) Cool Beans! Frio Frijoles!!

  3. GO MAC -you'll never go back! WE HEART MACS ;o) xo

  4. Kasey said it you lucky, lucky man. SOOO happy for you. and a bit envious

  5. Love the new blue, cutey camera.

  6. A new camera and a new 'puter=awesome!!!

  7. I have just restored your blog as the home page on this old 'puter. Whew, a small thing is right in this world.

  8. I bought a MacBook with my first student loan check. Never regretted it. It has seen me through three years of college, and a year of teaching - with nary a complaint. IT's great to not have to worry about viruses and stuff. I figured you'd make the MAC switch eventually. To much of an artist not to. Welcome to the new world!

  9. I'll soon be shopping for a new computer, but it won't be for me -- the college-bound kid will get it.
    And next year? Rinse and repeat.
    I'll be using this c.2005 computer for a while.
