Tuesday, May 4, 2010

le sale

I am an instructor at Cornell's ceramics studio (which is like saying "I make the coffee in the deli" as far as status and pay goes, but it sounds pretty cool :) and we have 2 sales of pots each year, and we have the spring sale going now, Williard Straight Art Gallery, Mon-Thurs, I will be there again late Thursday afternoon.
I was there late yesterday afternoon BUT HAD FORGOTTEN my camera! Thank God for Bethie showing up with her checkbook and filling a box with my pots, and yes, taking these pics.
Selling pots is fun, but holy CATS all my friends show up, it was like a party! TommyPaulBethNorahElonJoanAndy and on and on :)


  1. Real nice glazes on the two mixing bowls in that top picture! I like the way they mix and run around the top lip there.

  2. Pots, friends, and checkbooks! What could be better?

  3. The collection of green pots are lookin' nice, G.

    What's that glaze on the big bowl? I haven't seen that one before. You've been holding out. ;)

  4. Thank goodness she got pictures!
    Gary, I don't think I've ever told you how fitting your hair is for your personality. It is though.

  5. Oh, My! The first Colony Law goes onto the books: All coffee will be served in a mug with a rithribbit handle.

    All the Best from the Heartland,


  6. amigo... trying to catch up. crazy cool glaze on those two bowls you're holding in the pic, i hope the sale went well. can't believe how far behind i can get on your blog just from being off the grid for less than a week. nice shot of the honey bee in one of the previous posts. i have yet to see one this year. i hear gordo's having some luck tho.
