Sunday, May 9, 2010

BENJI gets the BABB* tap

The *BAMF Art Blog Bunch adds it newest member today, my buddy Ben Marlen. Ben is a painter who lives near me, we see Ben all the time, Ben is the NICEST guy. Ben has been working on painted and sculptural yet useful ceramics this winter and spring, and the work kicks AZZ. The show opened Saturday at Ithaca's Kitschen Sink.
Ben's blog is wacky and creative, PRIME BABB material.


  1. Really nice pics from Ben's opening. You are now our official "documentor of shows".

  2. BABB tap! Welcome to the club, Benji. :) I like the nekkid lady on that bowl that is comfortable being nekkid... she's reading a book.

  3. He is such a BABB Boy!!! welcome Benji!! That is one crazy nice purple leaf lady dish.

  4. congrats to ben! as i said on facebook... fabulous suit and tie!

  5. Hey all! Great shots Gary! Glad to be aboard. I'll be in the crows nest if anyone needs me

  6. We need you down on the poop deck. Just kidding. I just wanted to say poop deck. You can stay in the sky.

    Glad to have you aboard, kiddo!
