Friday, April 30, 2010

the vet comes OVAH....

With a houseful of dogs and cats and living in a town full of VETS (thanks to the vet school at Cornell, near my house) our vet's specialty happens to that she comes to YOU. And examines everybody right in your house. Spike cat, seen below, is, um not any thinner, checking in at 20 huge happy pounds, Penny beagle is magnificently healthy and our old black lab Buster, not shown here, is OK. He is a very old 11 years and very arthritic, but still moving and happy.

I have been making this vase shape the last day or 2 and thought it might make a nice mug shape too, and I am like OOOH LALA! Yes!

(pottery by Gary Rith)


  1. you can tell the animals just love her!

  2. GARY!! That vase shape is the BOMB -WONDERFUL!! Also very cool that your vet makes house visits -how sweet for the doc to see the pets not all freaked out about going to the v-e-t-s office!!

  3. The animals are loving the vet! That is great. How nice that must be. She comes over and they are all happy about it.

  4. I love my vet too, who makes house calls. I can't stuff my cats in their carrier for love nor money anymore. Missed you all at the Chapterhouse tonight, but am still working....

  5. Ohhhh...I see some springing going on!

  6. Love the mugs and how great that the vet makes house calls. Wished we had this here. Buddy piddles on every bush near the vet's entrance door for revenge though...last time he piddled on a plant in the office for a grand finale!
