Friday, February 12, 2010

gettin' DOWN with Georges Le Soq...

So you know, Friday afternoon, meet up with my pals at the Chapterhouse bar at 4:20ish. Nicki was there and she is a sweetie, and my missus of course, but MAN, you should have seen Georges and Benji. Now, the thing is, Georges tried to take Benji's girlfriend (you know how the FRENCH ARE). And, well, a peaceful outing got a little rough...


  1. Are you sure that Georges isn't trying to, um, get COZY with Ben?

  2. Benji and Georges just DO NOT get along!

  3. never take your eye off of the french sock monkey...

  4. the man in the back said everyone attack and it turned into a barroom blitz... man, i'm missing all the chapterhouse goings on

  5. Yeah, you gotta' watch Georges when he gets too many beers in'im. LOL!

  6. Whoa...hope no tables were overturned in the struggle...
