Wednesday, February 17, 2010


So, for breakfast, I make breakfast burritos, and lunch? I have this leftover rice and stuff and I see the tortillas, and I make MORE burritos and then
my pal Benji is asking for names of new superheros, and I am like BURRITO MAN!!!! I am not yet sure what his particular super powers might be, but you know how BUSY I AM being an artist and all I had to doodle a BURRITO MAN :)

This morning my hair is sticking up on end and I have the beagle so, POP goes the wife, getting a photo....

Holy cats, have you been listening to HALESTORM???????? WE NEEDED a new hard rock/heavy metal band fronted by a babe dressed in black latex, oh yes....
(for their single ITS NOT YOU which is even better, can't embed, click here)


  1. Pretty sure Burrito Man's alter ego is a smart ass potter.

  2. Burrito man will AND can save the day...but all those burritos make his hair a bit too happy!

  3. Burrito man: Able to save the world with a single tortilla filled with love.

  4. who's his sidekick?

    we need to see a sidekick drawing

  5. Burrito Man and...

    Dorito Boy!


    Their theme song would have to be to the tune of Particle Man.

  6. word up - great answer! how bout it gary?

  7. Way too cute for words you and Penny. Loving the Burito Man, how about Beanie, his side kick??

  8. Oooo... I like the angry chic music. Gonna have to download that one.

  9. excellent ideas, I shall post some things later on Thurs :)

  10. Gary! Gary from the WC??? I had no idea you were an artist. LOVE your work! (and your pup!)
