Monday, February 15, 2010

BE imaginative

Dreamt that I was kidnapped with another person by Clint Eastwood who had taken a van and put in a prison cage but made it comfortable enough and his point was, I just need something from somebody, sorry to have nabbed you, you won't get touched or hurt, but I need to negotiate. Clint is a nice guy, even if he has snatched you off the street.
I have loads of fun and interesting dreams. I am very imaginative, waking and sleeping (beneath that mild exterior lurks !!!!!) and I think about how some potters produce a certain series of identical pieces, which isn't what I do. I like to try different ideas and see where they might go. Not all are good ideas, but I push it.
Here is a group of mug shapes I am fiddling with. I like the black, blue and red most of this little gang :)

You start wondering what 1990's nostalgia will look like, and it will involve Elastica.


  1. Well now, you KNOW what color I like the best, eh Gary! lol.

    That light green one over there is a beautiful shade.

  2. I like the green color but the shape of the red one best!

  3. What you have there, senor, is a POSSE of pots.

  4. I've been sipping camomile and lavendar tea out of my little mug with the little doggie on the handle. It makes me very happy...

  5. the palette is increasing... good to see that maude got a frother. we're all done with holidays here for a while, one of my favorite stretches

  6. I love Clint Eastwood. I always knew he was nice.
    I dreamt about laundry. and monkies in my pool. Your dreams are better than mine.
    I love the black mug!!!!

  7. I never really thought of Clint as being nice when he kidnapped people. He seems much more ruthless. ;-)

  8. Clint is probably only nice to nice people, or he wanted one of those mugs.

  9. I like each one of the mugs, maybe the red colored one a wee bit more.

  10. they are very yummy mugs, Though I think the light green one might pose a problem getting the very last drop of coffee out of the mug. I love the blue one! and the black is really classy looking.
    I covet your elephant mugs, they make me smile.
