Tuesday, February 9, 2010

another brilliant movie from ME

Everything Penny the beagle does is cute but:
I was walking Penny a minute ago and somebody had dropped their bagel half with cream cheese on the street and I didn't mind if she was gonna eat it but there was a little rock stuck on the cream cheese and I tried to get it off but Penny is like GOBBLEGOBBLE rock and bagel ALL GONE.

We get back from walking the dawgs early in the morning and sometimes Penny goes nuts zipping around our yard. Chasing rocks. I know, we are bad parents. But she prefers rocks to toys.


  1. What would we do without canine entertainment?? Golly, is that traffic noise in the background?? "Holy Catz!" :)

  2. Anna, its Main Street, a very busy road around front, during morning rush hour :)

  3. Love it. Ah, dogs are content playing with rocks, no fancy-schmancy toys for them no siree.

  4. Aww Penny is so cutee, love those beagle ears.

  5. good way to wear her out... two nights ago at about 2:00am we got up to dingus wretching in the corner of the room where she threw up and in the center of all the mess was a nice little rock... aww, so cute it was
