Thursday, January 21, 2010

no internets???????????????

If you see an elephant in your car, what time is it?

Time to get a new car.

What's the difference between eating an elephant or peanut butter?

Elephant doesn't stick to the roof of your mouth.

OK, no internets here all morning, finally got things rolling again here, and I need to run out the door soon and help Maggie and Katie move and then reward meself later with beers and buddies at the Chapterhouse....
rock on everybody :)

(cups and saucers by Gary Rith)

This is so good even if I have posted it before :)


  1. You are so silly. Going to check my trunk for an elephant.

  2. yeah man, just called clayscapes today - gonna make a trip soon - next week? Maybe christi can make it back for this special venture

  3. Beer and Elephants.... :-)

    I have extreme dislike when the internet it down!

    Glad you are back up and running!

  4. oh, the elephants on the saucers are full bodied, just lying down :)
