Monday, January 25, 2010

can you make it six inches in less than 2 and a half minutes?

Ribbed too? Thought I would make a video of throwing a 6 inch tall ribbed mug like the 2 yellow piggy mugs pictured in the post below.....


  1. I don't know if I can do that or not... guess I never timed it!

  2. It's pretty fascinating to watch you do that. I had to link to this on Twitter and tell everyone to check it out. Very cool.

  3. Not bad at all. I can't believe you made something cool in 2:27!

  4. If you read that blog post title right, it's a little naughty!!!!

  5. Yes, yes i think i can!
    Love those wee little pigs all snug in the handles.

  6. My spam filter should have caught that title...tee hee!

  7. i wish i was brave enough to throw in a clean yellow sweater... soundtrack was good too. it looks like the big oval bowl came out nicely in the next post.
