Monday, December 28, 2009

KEY WEST here I come...

I wish. Typically terrible December weather here, which, atypically, we have seen little of lately. I mean, yesterday was beautiful. Now the long slow slog through winter, not even Christmas to look forward to....


  1. i won't show alicia this picture or this post, that's the winter of my youth. i like that your header picture is you on a nice summer day with a short sleeved shirt on. looks like you had fun over the holidays though. onward and upward amigo

  2. Gary! Where is the positivity???!! ONLY two more months of winter... and WE don't have to drive in it. :D

  3. Just a couple of odd flurries here. For the most part, the sun has been out. Turning colder though. Snow showers expected tomorrow. drats!

  4. Very uplifting header photo for me up here in Maine! I must say that the photo of you and the flamingo is great, I think I am gonna go dig out my flamingo and stick it in the mud of our yard! If yours can withstand winter so can mine.

  5. Darn! Here I thought you had a fun trip planned...
    But thank you for reminding us all what warmth and green looks like. :)

  6. I know the feeling! I keep thinking back on Summer!

  7. Our 19 inches are already nearly gone...the river is high and the yard is a lake!

  8. Well, I'm certainly glad someone had the simpatico to mention that poor shivering bird out there in your yard in the snow, without even so much as a muffler and leggings to keep it warm. Shame on you. I'm reporting you to Audubon, the Humane Society, the Audubon Society, and everyone else who looks out for animals, including my daughter in CA who works with the capture, rehab and restoration of all sorts of wild critters. I am expecting another shot of Mr. Flamingo tomorrow properly dressed for your weather there. Otherwise --

  9. I think you can get heated jackets for the Northern Pink Flamingo (Flamingussi-ithacatriae).....
