Friday, December 18, 2009

the END

The semester has ended at Cornell, the missus finished her class, I finished teaching my class, the pot shop sale is ended, and I can't guarentee shipping by the 24th, so today feels like the celebratory END :) We celebrated with a zillion other happy student and faculty types at the Chapterhouse as you might imagine...


  1. Hey! Congrats on the end of the semester. Hope your toasting the event somewhere.

  2. Don'tcha just want to let out a big siiiiggggghhhhhhh? :)

  3. Hooorrrayy for endings!!! Enjoy your vacation off work/school. :O

  4. I love your little teapots. I really like the yellow glaze too.

  5. BTW... I've been telling my niece and her mom about Stickyrice. I'm sure Kate will like it and Erika is a big enabler for her star kid.
