Saturday, November 21, 2009

RAKU PARTY part one!

(raku pots by Gary Rith)
I have a million photos and these are the last ones. The final pics. Went with Tom and Tommy and Martha and Carol to a raku party today--a fun glaze process where you quick heat and quick cool pots, creating WILD colors and patterns.
It was a BLAST and my pieces turned out PERFECT and I will post the rest of the story and more pics tomorrow and hopefully me and my pals will build our own raku kiln :)


  1. It has the appearance of carnival glass, doesn't it?

    You know - I really like this new look to your blog, Gary.

  2. That second one especially, that's come out so beautifully coloured.
    I love playing with raku, all that glowing hotness, Ohhhhh i need to find somewhere to build a quick raku! I just don't know anybody fool enough to let me, who has space... All those farming relatives who sold out, Grrrrr!
    (farms around here are the source of desirable "barn conversion" homes, muddy yards overpaved and scattered with gleaming BMWs.)

  3. Holy guacamole that is breathtaking! You must have done a little jig when you washed those babies off!

    Boy I love Raku!


  4. I have been doing a jig, and although I COULD wash them off, I havn't. They are home, covered with ash and all, looking good au natural :)

  5. These are so awesome!!! Glad you had fun.

  6. Wowza! Those are Bea-U-tiful!

    P.S. are we getting some delicious popcorn when I'm home next week??

  7. VERY cool! Our raku here never made it to this level! Do they match the colors of your eye? :)

  8. The colors are amazing. great copper on these; I'd love to know the glaze recipe.
