Thursday, November 26, 2009

I love to work and make piggy bottoms and....

(mugs by Gary Rith, Spike helps me with a blog post, and Penny crawled under my pillow when she came in from the rain...)
A year or 2 ago Shelly saw me putting piggy faces on mugs and she was like "should there be a piggy bottom on the other side???" and sometimes there is you know, because that is a good idea.
Basically, since I have done fairs every Thanksgiving weekend for 13 years, today is a work day for me (I am having open studio Friday and Saturday 12-4, c'mon over here!) and it will be a quiet and busy holiday.
I was at the store yesterday getting pink roses for the missus and almost all the flowers were fall rust colors, yellows and reds, and I realized she and I are not very traditional. As vegans, it will be some sort of pizza she is cooking up and I am making triple chocolate cookies. We have nothing against tradition, but I guess we don't pay much attention to traditions either.
So today I cannot wait to get into the studio and work on some wee little teapots I started yesterday and which I am excited about and also make some cow mugs for Anna etc etc....
I am thankful to be able to be with the missus, have my work, have the greatest purple house in the world, I am thankful for tasty veggie foods and I am thankful for my super fun and affectionate dogs and cats.
Stevo had his tripod last night and got this shot of the Gallow Pre-Thanksgiving Chapterhouse Happy Hour. Jaysus there were a lot of us and it was so loud we could barely hear across the table....I am SO thankful for good friends like Steve and his family and the OTHER friends...


  1. did you really say...piggy bottoms?????


  2. Happy Thanksgiving Gary and the Misses!

  3. The piggy bums are a great idea. Happy T day to you both. :)

  4. What fun to see all those smiling, happy, having a good time being together faces! Wish I could be a fly on the wall. As to the bums on the pigs! Who better to do it, than thou? And what the h. took you so long to think of it? It's so YOU! I can't wait to see.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Mrs R, hope you have a great open studio!

  6. Hope you had a great open studio?
    In this pic everyone is smiling, except for you! What were syou saying there??
