Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday the stinking 13th and Frolicsome Fridays

Seriously, I dream all night about SNAKES, and I don't like snakes, and then I cannot get any of my pics to load. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrr.....

I will try later to load all that, I have a totally cool post in process, movies too!

In the meantime, weekend plans: my Frolicsome Friday includes happy hour at the Chapterhouse later followed by poker with Chris and Terri Anne and a bunch of their disreputable friends and tomorrow a trip for supplies and maybe see Wendy too....
Alright: how does your weekend look?


  1. tonight i have a dinner party. then it's a massage weekend. life is good.

  2. Pep Rally and Football Game tonight. Trying out my new printer and photography tomorrow. A trip with Allen to Alfred on Sunday to look at colleges.

  3. I also dream about snakes. A LOT. I don't mind them so much...we have one as a 'pet'.
    My weekend? Who knows....I never really know until it happens. Have fun tonight!!

  4. theres a link you might like on my blog gary, if you dare...

    hey gallow, whats shakin

  5. Going to look at a new kitty tomorrow. Breakfast w/ the boys on Sunday. A new job interview on Monday and hair appointment on Tuesday.

    BTW - did I mention that I always have 4 day weekends...(snicker).

  6. Ack.. no wonder I'm not seeing your posts.. I hadn't updated the link to you new blog.

    Those snakes are probably hunting for the dream hamsters...
